Custom Earflap Beanie with Bow clip

I've just known my far far far relative Shikin (niece) from FB where she try to order a baby beanie for her cute baby Khayla. What a small world & I just knew that I'm a 'young' granny!! LOL.
Anyway, here's what she ordered from me:

Pink shades stripe earflap beanie with pompom top + braided string and  pink + white xtra large bow hairclip that can be attach on the beanie.

Here's a photo of baby Khayla with the earflap beanie =) With permission & credit to mummy Shikin.

Ain't she cute? =D

Bunny Bow & Button Strap Bootees : Order by Supermak Shop

This is the first order of the year and also the first bulk order for bootees that I received. =) I was approached by Kak Nad the owner of Supermak Shop, and she ordered 16 pairs of bootees / booties (various colour & sizes) for her online & offline shop. It took me around 4 weeks to complete!  Here's some of the completed bootees photos:

Bunny Bow Baby Girl Bootees. Name it as such as I always imagined cute little bunnies when I see them =)

Button Strap Baby Girl Bootees.

Here's the packed booties.
I've delivered them to the shop personally =)