
At last I managed to create my own crafts blog :).
Here are some general info on my MisFydKrafts:
  • History:  Inspired by all the talented & creative craft bloggers out there, I was eager to show off my craft work too! Thats why I've started my MisFydKrafts blog.
  • MyCraft:  Mainly is crochet work as it is the first thing I've learned from my mum when I was in primary school but I do try a lot of stuff too. Hmmm let me see,  I've tried sewing bags, knitting, felt work, crossstitch, craving rubber stamps etc. I like to try new things :))
  • MisFydKrafts:  I was having difficulties of creating the name for my blog but with the suggestion from my dear Pdy, we managed to agree on MisFydKrafts :). MisFyd = my screen/nickname + Krafts = crafts of course.
Well that's about it. Hope everyone enjoy browsing my blog. Feel free to leave comments, email or just drop a msg in my chat box :D

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