Crochet Beanie Hat with Short Visor

Feeling awful not updating for more than one week! Quite tired & busy with work last week.

Well anyway, I didn't stop my craft work :). Last Saturday I managed to buy some yarn & button supplies at Macy. Then, when out with friends to see the hot air balloon at Putrajaya at night. The balloons were great & the fireworks were awesome.

Sunday I tried to make something using my 'fresh' yarns. I bought some chunky yarns to try my new project which is a beanie hat. Initially I've tried to make a snow cap for men (for my Pdy) with a thinner yarn but eventually turned out too small :p. Need more adjustment with the number of stitches. Anyway, got stuck with the snow cap so I turned to my new chunky yarns as I really wanted to make something. I've designed the pattern myself. So here's my new beanie hat:

 Mind my big ears :p. 
I've designed it with a simple boyish look using normal stitches so I think boys also can wear them.
So what do you think of this beanie?


  1. Really nice! I tried making one of this cap using a pattern from vallieskid but tk brape jadi. Maybe b'cos of the yarn. You're good in designing lah!
    May I know how much is the thick yarn you bought?

  2. Thanks Aisyah! I luv designing new stuff :)

    The thick yarn I'd used was 200g for RM15. For one chunk of that yarn I think I can make 2 of the same beanie.

  3. I LIKE ! But still nak beanie yang haritu :D hahaha

  4. Tkpe Iman.
    Nanti if Kak Fid dh ade idea (or ilham) nk design camne for beanie tu mesti bat punye! =)

  5. cantek bangat la misfyd...teach me! hehehe....i ni tak lepas2 lagik nak buat topi ke, bag ke..dan yang seangkatan dengannya :)

  6. Thanks kak! hehe.
    Insya'allah bole ajar. If ade peluang & masa Fyd bat tuts on making simple beanie or bag :)

  7. Halo MisFyd, how to order your crochet beanie hat with short visor? First time online order ni. Can I get a black color one , and it's for a guy head size. Lol. PM to my email with the price k? Thanks. Keep up the kraftwerk spirits. Love em.

  8. Halo Miller! Actually you can just email me at
    Then we can discuss the details there =).

    I'll email to your yahoo address for the details k.
