New Accessories! - The Crochet Ring

One of my to do list was crochet ring. Thursday night, I was crazy designing the crochet ring. I managed to finished 5 different colours & designs of crochet ring. Yes, 5 different rings in one night! How crazy I'm if I have something in mind. I just can't stop making :p.
Here's my new creations:

First stage. Finished the crochet ring. Tried in on on all my fingers :p.   
Simply & it looks nice just like that. Of course I didn't stop right there. 
I Accessorise them!!

Final stage. Finished accessorised all the rings with beads/buttons :). 
Tried them again on all my fingers. How do they look? 

I was so excited looking at them until I can't stop taking photos so here's some close up on all the rings:
Black base with silver bugles beads.

Blue base with pearly blue square button.

Green base with orange flower motif button.

Purple base with shocking pink round beads.

Maroon base with triangle white button.
Sold to Shida as her tudung ring -Thanks!

So which one do you like? :)


  1. wow!!! such a cool creation babe!!! creative and unique, u can add beads, buttons or even flower crochet to these rings :)

  2. Thanks!!
    Yeah, I can put anything on it but yet to try to put the flower crochet on them :)

  3. Nice work! Really funky :) I like the red one best but I can't wear it, too old :P hehehe
    Thanks for the badge tute. I'll try it when I hv the time. Is the AAA thing free or hv to buy?

  4. Thanks! one is never too old for accessories. Just need to find a suitable one! ;)

    No prob with the tute :). It took me the whole day just to learn them. So just wanna share so that easier for anyone wants to make their own badges.

    Logo AAA is quite easy to use. I'm using the free trial software for AAA logo 2009 (you can find it at, but the canvas will have light wording of DEMO version on it. You just need to edit it with photoediting software. Need a bit of photoediting technique & more time but still good enough for me. Of course the easiest way is to buy it :p. You can use any logo software available out there.

    I been having this software for quite sometime b'cos I'm kinda crazy designing logos too :).

  5. very nice :) how about the price of each ring with button? :)
