First Crochet Clutch Bag

I just completed my new project which is my first clutch bag! :)
This one size is about 23x12x4.5(cm) in red.
It took me like nearly 4 days to think about the design & completed it. I've used mainly sc & ch to make the pattern. So here's my first design clutch bag:

I sew a zipper which is quite tough to sew neatly but still manageable. Added some silver colour beads to bling it a bit.
I also sew my newly made labels on the inner side of the clutch! Need more pratice on sewing it. Seem that the iron on transfer layer is easily ribbed off when you sew thru it. Hmm...need to figure out how to sew it neatly later. 
Anyway some more photos on the clutch :)

Here's the strap I design it myself by using a ring which I crocheted with 2 different colour yarns. Brown & Red.

As always I'll try to put some stuff in the bag to try. The clutch can fit my bulky wallet & handphone with some ample space for keys, pocket tissue etc. 
So what do you think of my new design clutch bag?
Would you want one?


  1. Cantiklah Fyd!! I like the color and design very much. You're very creative lah, I envy you :p I'm sure many will order this from you

  2. Thanks Aisyah! I hope so :)

    Kira puas hati gak design nih.
    I will be using this one for myself :p.

  3. oh my god!!! cantek la fyd!!!! jeles i....u are so talented...luv the design and i'm sure it's tricky to sew the zipper..kalau i mau tahun depan siap hehehe...good job babe! i'm sure this can be a hit!!!

  4. Thanks Kak! (^_^) Hope it can be a hit too! Aminnn~

    Penat gak jahit zipper tu...Jahit rough dulu baru jahit betul...Sbb bukan bole jahit zip dulu then jahit tepi mcm kain :p

    Nasib baik la 8inch zipper tu mcm ngam2 je ngn bukaan dier...huhu

  5. Gorgeous. Clap-clap. Bead tu menyerlahkan lagi beg. Keep a good job dear.

  6. Thanks Mummy Dhiacoco! (^.^)

  7. Misfdy..
    cantik la.. terer n kretif betul.. nanti nk tempah ek..

  8. Thanks My Luverly Craft!

    No prob. Bole tempah :)
    Just kene tunggu skit sbb kene topup yarns & all the small2 stuff + Q org order.

    Nanti Fyd nk bat catalogue so senang org nk pilih kaler & design.
    So do check for updates.

  9. Hi msfyd.. goshh.. canteks okay bag ni.. SANGAT canteks.. I LOVE bag and you buat i rasa nak crochet bag again.. haha

  10. Hi Ezyane! Thanks =)
    Never to late to start again...hehehe...
    jgn lupe post kt blog nanti bile ade project beg plak ;)

  11. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Kalau nak beli,berapa ya? Dan, mcam mana prosedurnya?

  12. W'salam Nurul Iman,

    Sorry baru perasan comment Nurul.
    Clutch nih sy dh buat revision pattern skit.
    Harga range for clutch MFK is from RM100 depending ngn request.

    If berminat nk order, bole email sy ke

    Thanks! =)
