New Lacey Beret Beanie

I didn't manage to update any new stuff for couple of weeks as I was busy with trainings, meetings & friend's wedding receptions. But a few weeks ago my friend's sister Iman had requested a new pattern beanie beret. I managed create one but it to took me a bit more time as I need to adjust the new pattern I was designing with the proper size. Eventually it came out quite ok. So here's the new Lacey Beret Beanie:

 The new beret beanie with a blue bow as Iman's request. The bow is slightly big around 10cm in length. I've attached a pin behind the bow so that it can be detachable whenever she like or use it as a pin on her scarf etc.

Top view of the beret.

Here's some photos of me modeling the new beanie =)
So what do you all think of this one?


  1. Very nice! Love the color combination

  2. Oh,I love your beanies! They're so cool!

  3. Thanks Aisyah! The colour was chosen by Iman herself =)

  4. alamak.. canteks!!
    I juga tak berjaya siapkan beret tuk diri sendiri.. hehe

  5. Thanks Ezyane!
    Ganbare! Bole bat punye~ ;) hehe

  6. i really looking for cute beanie and i really like dis much if i want to order like this but in black colour??

  7. Thanks Fallahiah!

    This pattern is a custom made for a friend. If you are interested in ordering/enquiry do drop me an email at
