1st crafters "Feather or Bulu" Gathering

Last weekend I managed to meet up with some of my online crafter friends, Norlie from SekociNorlie, Sabrina from MikyLayna & Rafidah from PinkShoeLover. The meet up was kind of a last minute planning as last Saturday was the only Saturday left that me & Sabrina in KL. Initially the meet up was for getting some feathers from Norlie, that is why it is called Bulu (feather in English) Gathering. We brought some along some junk food for a picnic & chitchat in Shah Alam Lake Park. It was great to finally meet up with all of them as we normally comment each other online. Here's some shots of us at the short gathering:

 The beautiful view of Shah Alam Lake Park.

4 of us with Miky+Layna and 6 years old Wana behind the camera. She took this photo & she did it well =). Check out more photos in my FB.


  1. Wow! Bestnye! Wish I was there,too :)

  2. Hopefully next time we can get more ppl & spend more time chitchat on crafts.

    Lagi best bole kumpul kt pulau Aisyah tu! huhuhu...kumpul all crafter there in paradise sambil lawat Aisyah! =)

  3. Best jgk tu! Tp takut semua tk mampu nk datang ke sini :p Agak mahal kosnye...but a good suggestion!

  4. Bole plan the gathering earlier like 1 year, so semua org bole kumpul duit & plan =)

    Waa best yer~~~ you can go for a holiday & do your favourite therapy tooo~~~~ Mcm double therapy?? :p
