Rubber Stamp for MFK Card

Last weekend I carved another rubber stamp. This time is for my name card. Here's the outcome:

I'm still thinking of what else to carve to add on the name card.


  1. Fyd, awesome carving!!!
    Where did you buy that chisel? Does it come in a pack? Terujanya tgk kehalusan chisel tu!

  2. Thanks Euphy!

    Actually I didn't use the chisel for the negative carving. I just use my normal pointed carving knive for that :p.

    The chisel in the photo is the normal U type that you can get in the stationary shop in set. I use the U type to carve away the large area :)

    If ade chisel halus bole bat carving negative mmg best aaaa...nih pun bat dgn berhati2 sbb tk nk ter-over carve :p

  3. Aiseh, dari foto nampak mcm chisel/gouge yg halus... Sama la kita... guna the pointy knife for negative carving... heheh...

  4. tuu aaa...rasa nk modified je v-gouge yg ade...senang skit nk carve negative tuu...hehehe :p
