My New Type of Stamp Mounting - Thank You MFK

Just finished this rubber stamp today. Started carving last night but then my eyes was too sleepy until I don't know what I'm carving! Dangerous!Luckily I didn't carve away the letters or my fingers :p.
Anyway this stamp is for my MisFydKrafts thank you note. As the rubber was a bit thin so I've used a new type of mounting that I thought of trying for a long time. Not bad I guess comparing to the normal wood mounting where you need to saw & sand it. So here's my new rubber stamp:

In the process, after carving off the unwanted parts.

End result. Stamp it on the paper & it looks ok for me :)

Tadaaa~ My new mount which is from recycle cardboard box! :D. I've stamped on my recycle paper & glue it on top of the cardboard mounting.

Here's the side view of my new recycle cardboard mounting. I've glued 3 layers of the cardboard to give some thickness. Not that bad as the cardboard edges give the stamps a bit of special touch.
The best part is that we can safe more trees & less tedious work of sawing & sanding wood mounting!
What do you think of my new type of mounting? :)


  1. Innovative! Simple DIY suitable for these ppl:
    i. wanna buy an eraser stamp, minus the mounting.
    ii. wanna carve an eraser stamp and sell but dont wanna mount it.

    Tapitapitapi, jgn rendam stamp dlm air tau. hikhik

  2. hahahha...betul tuuu!! Jgn rendam dlm air! hancur aaa cardboard tu.

    But rasa yer bole try ngn spray coating if nk tahan lama & water proof skit. Yet to try that :)

  3. Very nice,Fyd! Boleh order lah camni..

  4. Heheh Thanks Aisyah!

    Rasa tk larat ler ambik order for rubber stamp. Crochet order pun dh mcm penat. Sbb keje kdg2 bz balik2 mlm dh penat. Maybe bole bat skit2 je.

    Craving nih lg byk masa pakai compare to crochet.And perlu concentration tk mcm crochet. Tersalah carve kene bat baru. Bukan tu je, silap2 bole carve tangan sendiri. Dh penah carved tgn sendiri masa skolah bat ukiran kayu...huhuhu dlm luka :p.
    More hazardous compare ngn benang & jarum crochet.

    Tabik spring to org2 bole bat nice rubber stamps mcm Mango & Euphy :)

  5. fyd... i selalu ingat nak buat rubber stamp sendiri, TAPI selalu jadi angan2 saja. hehe.. tak pernah berjaya buat..

    cayalah fyd ..

    ps. canteks rubber stamp tu ;)

  6. Thanks Ezyane!
    Bole buat punye la asalkan cuba selalu =) Practice makes prefect kan?

    Fyd nih nasib baik masa skolah2 masa art class penah ukir2 kayu ler, sabun ler sbb tu ade la experience skit.

  7. Mana nak dpt rubber tu? Is it linoleum? Pls whatsapp me at 0166663435 kalau rak keberatan

  8. Hi Farizz, sy guna normal stationary eraser yg jual kt stationary shop tu jek :)
    Linoleum biasa nya colour dark red & a bit thinner.
