First collaborative order for 50 F'dyHana Roses

Since last 3 weeks I was busy completing some orders and one of it was a bulk order of 50 F'dyHana Roses for Kak Jijah who is the owner of ChomelCraft. She is going to put it on her hairclips which are her expertise. Something like a 'sifu' of hairclips in Malaysia :p. The roses was sent & safely arrived yesterday. Eager to see how it turn out when she give her touch on it for her hairclips.  BTW I'm in the midst on designing & making my own hairclips too. So stay tune guys :).
Here's the 50 F'dyHana Roses (reminds me of a bouquet of 50 roses :p):

Total 5 colours: White, Pink, Lilac, Red & Light Blue

A view of all of the roses. This is the first time that I made this much of F'dyHana Roses at a short time. Not that easy as I was like crazy busy with work (really unpredictable) but then I managed to squeeze my time for this order (also some beanies order) by only making them at night & weekends. Thanks to Kak Jijah for collaborative order :).


  1. Cute! You must have been doing them in your sleep,too!

  2. Thanks Aisyah.
    Yeah~:p Sometimes I even dozed off while crochet them! Not only that, I also have sore arms after finished all of them!
    Tambah muscle kt tgn :)

  3. sifu??

    hehe mana ada... yang terawal mungkin ye ngeeeeeee. hehehehe

    comel. semua comel tp nama kena tukar. dlm proses buat daunnya. tk lama siap lah! nnt bleh share gambar kat sini jua

  4. Hehe...kira 'sifu' terawal la :p

    Huuu tk lama nk siap dh ke? Alamak nama camne ek? Yg aritu ok kan?

    Bole share gmbr kt cni no problem :)
