First attempt of making hairclips

Last weekend I was like crazy experimenting on making two types of hairclips, double prong alligator clips & snap clips. I managed to line the double prong & cover the snap clips with felt. So here's the the result:

My first attempt to lined the double prong alligator clips. Luckily manage to make them neatly enough :)

Here's my snap clips. I've covered the snap clips with felt made from recycle bottles & sew the side with a blanket stitch.
Now the clips are ready, next is how to embellish them :)


  1. huhuhu, saya pn tengah buat hairclips ni. dah embellish skrg baru nak jahit plak :)

  2. Wow! Byknye..semangat plk sy utk buat lg hairclips. At the moment nk cepat siapkn crochet projek tu. Where did you get those kinds of felt?

  3. @feltralicious:
    Gud luck! Tk saba rnk tgk your hairclips~ =)

    heheh tuu ler semangat bat smp non stop :p. Those felt beli kt artshop kt KL.
