F'dyHana Oohana with Button

I created this last 2 weeks ago based on Oohana with beads, this is Oohana with Gunmetal colour button. Here's the my new version of Oohana:

Red Oohana Pin.

Pink Oohana Pin.

I like these classic look hana. Maybe I'll make more later =)


  1. Very cute,Fyd!! I like the button, so classic!

  2. Thanks Aisyah! Yeah I like the button too! =)

  3. luv the button babe!! so vintage :)

  4. I luv them too kak Pidah :)
    Yeah I think it's really vintage sbb korek2 kt kedai tuu mmg mcm org tknk je... Heheh dah siap borong abis button tuu :p

    Ade gold colour pattern lain tp tk pakai lagi but still love this gunmetal colour button~
