Flower Hat for Toddler

Last week I made a flower hat which is adapted from baby Emily's Hat, an order from Aida for her baby girl. As I didn't quite remember the stitches for baby Emily's Hat as I just made it up on the spot without any record. I tried to make this one as close as possible using a different mix colour yarn of lilac, cotton pink & off white. So here's the new flower hat:

Closeup of the flower. This one don't have a name =P.

A view from top. The mix colour yarn makes nice pattern naturally.

Hope the hat will fit Aida's baby well & the photo session will be great =)


  1. Very cute! Love the color. When you've made enough hats, you don't need any patterns anymore kan? :)

  2. Thanks Aisyah! :)
    Yea but I still have a pattern recorded in a book as I normally create new stuff once a while.
    I intent to forget as I normaally have a lot in mind :p.
    Nway good to keep record as you can refer later if you want to make exactly the same pattern.

  3. Cantik sangat topi ni!!especially the mix yarn colour..kat mana boleh saya dapat benang macam ni?boleh order tak?

  4. Thanks Lia!
    Mix yarn nih biasa bole dpt kt kedai2 jual yarn biasa je =)
    Lia nk order topi ke benang?
