'A & K' Rubber Stamp

One of my to do list was offering myself to carve a initial rubber stamp for my friend A who is going to get married in July. I was asking her for the pattern quite sometime but she always forget as she is quite occupied with her wedding preparations. So as my hands was quite itchy to carve, I start looking for nice fonts on the net. I found some Victorian style fonts which I think would be nice for the stamps. My hand writing is not that pretty (as my History teacher in secondary school did scold me for my terrible hand writing :p), and my designing for initial is not that good either. But then still I just design it free hand based on the fonts available. Here's the carved rubber stamps:

 Hope A & K loves it =)


  1. good job fyd!! your carving is neat.

    I love the design!

  2. wow babe!! impressive..
    can i borrow ur hands? hehehe

  3. @Mango: Thanks Mango! Need to learn more XD. But really can't compare to your Sakura stamps! I really love them!

    @Kak Pidah: Hahahaa...pinjam tkleh la kak Pidah~~~ I can't crochet anymore if you borrow~~ :p

  4. ko buatkan aku satu....bleh? nanti ko email kos

  5. Alamak kak Pidah...
    tk pandai lg berjual rubber stamp nih sbb bat for fun je....nanti Fid pikir ek dulu, Fid ckp yerk :)

  6. Comel sangat..main cop-cop..

  7. Thanks Mummy Dhiacoco! Ramai jugak lg org suka cop2...lg2 yg tkde printer :D

  8. sweet!!! kemas dan rapi ukirannye :)

  9. Thanks Euphy! Nih pun penat tgn & mata mengukir...
    Mmg salute la Mango & Euphy bole carve all the small2 detail on the eraser!
