New Black Plain Beanie

I made a new design beanie last weekend. This is one of my to do list. A beanie for my Pdy. But I think it turned out to be small for him & just nice for me =P.  I think I need to modified for a bigger one for him =). As the colour is black,  actually the beanie is quite versatile & can be use for girls too.
Here's the new unisex black beanie:

 I've play around the stitches for the middle part to make some texture.

Here's some photos of me modeling the beanie. For extra girly look, maybe I should try to put some embellishment on the beanie.

Next, need to make another one which is slightly bigger for my Pdy =)


  1. finally.. boleh jugak jalan2 ke sini.. dah a few days nak menjenguk ke sini tp tak sempat..


    dunno nak ckp apa lg.. u mmg master buat beanie.. haha.. cantek and i love black beanie :)

    ps. model canteks.. :D

  2. hahah..tu ler makin kurang post...hopefully bole maintain la creating new stuff...

    Thanks Ezyane! =)
    Tkde la master pun...byk2 pun lps belaja2 & research pattern online...byk lg kene belaja nih...

    ps. gmbr tu dh byk di 'edit' so that model nmpk canteks... shhhhhhssss =P power of photo editing~~

  3. Thanks Aisyah!

    Nih semua kesan photo editing...dh cover byk bende tu masa edit...hehehe
    all the jerawats, panda eyes etc =P

  4. awwww...**feeling elevated** hehe...ciehhh! thx syg...ingat mok polah beanie k kmk, it's ok if it doesn't fit. I will still like it :)) I like the pattern, I like you also..haha;P! very MUCH. Chiayok yg! gud effort.

  5. Hehe...thanksyg!

    Kelak mek polah baru makey ktk k~ =)
