Local TV show
NTV7, Bella unwind (LIVE), 1st February 2013, Do the crochet magic!
Astro TVi RTM, i-Cipta Biz (Recorded), 12th March 2013, MisFydKrafts handmade business (in Bahasa Malaysia)
8TV Quickie (LIVE), 1st March 2011, MisFydKrafts beanie and accessories (first time out on live TV)
Local Magazines
Majalah IK, Inspirasi Kejayaan, Issue 15 2014
Majalah By'U, Issue August 2012
Cat Fashion Show for MCFA Festival 2012, Cat headband accessories, 1st July 2012
ACG White T-shirt Challenge (WTSC), "The Chromosomes", 2nd place, displayed at the National Textile Meseum Kuala Lumpur, 4th - 17th November 2012
ACG Craft for Charity (1), taught the public volunteers to make crochet accessories at the National Textile Meseum Kuala Lumpur . Completed items will be given for charity sales.
ACG Craft for Charity (2), taught Sunbeams Home and orang asli kids to make pompom accessories at the Yayasan Sunbeams Learning Center, 19th-20th September 2015. The kids will make items from what they've learn for their charity sales in November 2015.
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