I have several good headphones (fold-able Sony & Audio Technica) that I've been using for years! The headphones are still good (sounds good too) except the fraying ear cushion which normally happens to old headphone. As I'm still using them sometimes I've decided to cover them up with crochet muff! Here's the outcome:
My Sony headphone with new pink muff!
My Audio Technica with new black muff!
I think the muff can also make your boring black headphone more vibrant.
The most important now at least now they won't leave any black fraying dust on my face & clothing while I'm using them. Yeay! =D.

Cool! Great idea, Fyd!
Thanks Aisyah!
But I think the idea has been out quite awhile already by international crafters. The idea is not that new =)
wlwpun bukan idea baru, tapi berikan yg 'baru' pd headphone tu...:) cute warna merah.
Thanks PU3...ramai org ckp if merah lg lawa...nanti maybe nk try =)
good idea !!!!! bright colours nampak vibrant! :)
Bole bat bermacam-macam jenis colour =D
love love love this! XD
Thanks As! dh lama posting nih =P
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