My denim folded hook case tie with faux leather cord. All the sides were hand sewn with blanket stitch. No machine stitches at all for this case as I don't even have a sewing machine. Ok I lied, I have one but the small type sewing machine which just can make running stitch, rarely in used that as the stitch is not that good. =)
I've used felt for the inner part and hand sew some compartments for my hooks & thread snipper. I've also sew some denim pockets for my needles, thread, measuring tape & small accessories.
Now this is my favorite case as I can have all my tools that I usually use in one place!
Anyone has done your own casing for your craft tools?
Do share as I would love to see your version of handmade casing =)

Really nice and well done! I'm in awe of your work, Fyd! I don't know how to make one or even want to attempt making one! I just swapped for mine with someone from the Netherlands :p
Thanks Aisyah! =)
You should try to make one, maybe with crochet! ;)
Wow getting one from the Netherlands? that's cool!
wahh.. creativenya Fyd...
Really love this Case..
I wish to have one of my own too.. huhuhu but tak pandai nak jahit2 ni..
woww...great job fid! the casing is so simple yet beautiful :)
@ Sindar:
Thanks Sindar! =)
Why not try to make one using crochet or knit? Sure bole punye ;)
Thanks Mango! =D
Seriously this is super cool. I want one too...!
Thanks phatgurl! =)
Do try to make yourself one!
It would be faster & easier to do if you have a sewing machine. It took me quite some time to make this as it's all hand stitched.
It's fun & very fulfilling when you make one & it turned out great ;)
semua hand sewn?? pergh!! salute!! memang cantik.. lebih kemas dari jahit mesin.. :)
Aah MamaDaniel, yg nih hand sewn semua =)
Tkde la kemas sgt. Ade part tu jahit jelujur tk sama panjang. =P
Mmg Fyd tkde mesin jahit proper lg. Yg ade kecik jek tp jarang pakai sbb tk bole adjust size jahitan.
In the future ade la plan2 nk beli yg good one.
Dulu2 masa skolah mmg suka jek jahit beg2 (selain crochet) guna mesin jahit kaki manual mak =)
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