As it was my first try on PVC leather, I've tried to make a trial pouch for starters just to get the correct dimension & everything as hand sew PVC leather is not like normal fabric where once you poked it with needle it, the hole will stay there. Here's some photo of both pouches that I did:
Not that neat as I was experimenting with the sewing the zipper, PVC & felt lining.
Nearly the same template as the first one with just a little amendments. I also lined this one with felt.
Hope that Sakinah will like her new USB PVC pouch! =)
Hope that Sakinah will like her new USB PVC pouch! =)

lovely fyd! to me , penat gak jahit pvc..hehehe
Thanks Kak Pidah!
Aah, penat gak especially hand sew sbb kene make sure bila cucuk jarum tu tk cucuk salah or not rosak jek PVC tu.
If pakai mesin mmg senang gile la =)but still kene make sure jahit betul sbb tkleh dh nk patah balik if salah :P
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